Out motto at i AM Children's Ministries

That they may know HIM!

Monday, October 31, 2011

God Alone (Part Two)

In our lesson God Alone (Part One) we learned that God always existed.  He never had a beginning and will never have an end.  The children learned that God is Eternal.  In our lesson last week, God Alone (Part Two) we learned that God is a Spirit.   And not only is God a Spirit but He but only He has the ability to be everywhere all the time.  Jeremiah 23:23-24 says, "I am a God who is near," says the Lord.  "I am also a God who is far away.  No one can hide  where I cannot see him," says the Lord. "I fill all of heaven and earth," says the Lord.

We also learned that God is Sovereign.  The dictionary defines sovereign as "ruler, supreme in power, chief....".  The Bible often refers to God as "The  Most High." Psalm 83:18,  Then they will know that you are the Lord, that only you are God Most High over all the earth.

We concluded the lesson with explaining to the children that we cannot really/fully  understand just how great and big God is, however  we can learn many things about Him through the Bible.  We learned:
  • He is sovereign---the highest ruler.  
  • He alone had no beginning.  
  • He will have no end.  
  • He is a Trinity, the Great God who is three in one: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. 
  • He needs nothing.  
  • He has no bodily needs because He is Spirit.  
  • He knows everything.  
  • He is in all places at the same time. 
God is far greater than we can ever imagine!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

God Alone (Part One)

     This week at God Quest we learned that knowing God is the most important thing we can ever do!  We learned that God is eternal.  Everything that we see and everything that we know about but can't see had a beginning, except for God.  Before anything was, God existed as He does now and He will exist forever.
     Before the beginning there was no universe, no earth, no angels, no devil, no plants, no animals and no people.  All these things had a beginning.  However, there never was a time when God did not exist.  God did not have a beginning.  He was not created.  He has always been alive.  He has always been and will always be the same.  There never will be a time when God does not exist. God can never die.
      We also learned that God is a Trinity.  Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...".  The word "Trinity" is used to describe the three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, who are the one Eternal God.  Hard to understand for an adult never-mind for children.  We admitted to that fact in the lesson.  One of the children said we will understand when we get to heaven.
       Lastly we learned that because God existed before all things, we know that He didn't/doesn't need anything.  He didn't need the earth nor anything on it. We read in Psalm 90:2 (NCV) Before the mountains were born and before you created the earth and the world, you are God. You have always been, and you will always be. God is completely independent of everything and everyone. He is so much greater than we can possibly imagine.  We are so blessed to have the Bible to help us know Him and teach about Him to the children. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Introducing the Bible

God gave us the Bible because He wants us to know Him.  The Bible is like a personal letter sent to us from God.  The Bible is also the true story of history as seen from God's viewpoint.  God is the central character of the Bible and as we study in the coming year at God Quest we will learn what God is really like.  We will learn who He is, what He did/does and what His personality is like.
Here is what we learned this week as we begin to lay the foundation of studying the Bible. 
  • God communicates with man.
  • God spoke to men called prophets the exact message He wanted written down.
  • Sometimes He spoke out loud, sometimes He spoke to them in visions and sometimes He just put the message directly into their minds.  Whatever the method, God caused the prophets to write down exactly what He spoke to them.
  • No other book in the world was written this way----with God telling men exactly what to write.  God is the author of the Bible.
  • God used more than 40 men to write down His words. All were Jewish except for one (Luke).
  • The Bible was not written all at once----it took 1,600 years for all of the Bible to be written down.
  • The Bible is God's message to the world, which He gave through the Jewish people.
  • The original books of the Bible were written either in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek.
  • The Bible never needs to be updated or changed.
  • The Bible has been printed more times and translated into more languages than any other book in the whole world.
  • The Bible has impacted and changed more lives than any other book.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Trusting God

This week we learned about trusting God. I know, it sounds a bit cliche. If we have heard it once we have heard it a thousand times;  trust God! It sound easy, especially when you are telling someone else to do it. But how do we switch off from talking about trusting God to actually doing it? 

The first step in trusting God is by getting to know who He is and what motivates Him. When we begin to understand His character by reading and studying the Bible we can learn many things about Him. First and foremost God is almighty. That means He is more than capable of handling any and all circumstances, situations, and yes ladies and gentlemen people who may seem impossible. And because God's motivation is love we can rest in this wonderful promise found in Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

We can take comfort in the fact that He wants the best for us and He will never fail us!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

God Quest

I just love beginnings.The potential of hope, of new opportunities and better things to come.  As we Kicked-Off our brand new weekly children's program God Quest, that was the attitude fostered by the leadership.  We are excited to be able to minister to children and their families on a weekly basis. We have a wonderful year planned for the children. Our curriculum is a chronological study of the Bible. That means we will start at the very beginning in Genesis and study God's Word as He revealed it all the way through to Revelation. We also have many special events planned throughout the year for the children and their families.  Combine that with praying, singing and worshiping every week, and you have a formula for an amazing year.

And so together we begin this quest to know God. And if we already know Him then to know Him even better! That is our goal at i AM Children's Ministries. But we fully recognize that we cannot do this alone.  First and foremost we are praying and depending on God to work in the hearts of the children we will be teaching every week.  We are also depending on God to work in the lives of the families of these children.  And lastly we are depending on God to lead and guide us as we fulfill the work which we have been called to do.

With all that said, we also recognize that ultimately it is the responsibility of parents to be the primary spiritual teacher and role model for their children.   We are however so honored, privileged and humbled to come along side parents in the spiritual development of their children. We look forward to a fantastic year.  Welcome to God Quest!  

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pentecost:The Coming of the Holy Spirit

Did you know that Pentecost was originally a Jewish feast? The Jewish people came to Jerusalem (as they did for the Passover) from all over the world, as is indicated in Acts 2:5 and 20:16. The word Pentecost literally means "50th and it was the 50th day after the Passover that this feast was celebrated. Various names were used for this particular Jewish holiday such as Feast of Weeks, celebration of the giving of the Law and Feast of First Fruits. But, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we know Pentecost as that moment in History when God poured out the Holy Spirit.

In Acts 2:1-4, 1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.2 Suddenly a noise like a strong, blowing wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.3 They saw something like flames of fire that were separated and stood over each person there.4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak different languages[a] by the power the Holy Spirit was giving them. (NCV)

God kept His promise and He sent the gift of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. This is what Jesus said to His the apostles in John 14:26, “26But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.” (AMP)

WOW!!! God the Holy Spirit teaches believers how to live lives that pleases God the Father. When believers read God’s Word, the Holy Spirit helps them to understand what they are reading. God speaks to believers through His Word and when we memorize God’s Word, the Holy Spirit brings it to our minds when we need to remember it.

The believers gathered together in that room had experienced an amazing event! God kept His Promise and sent the gift of the Holy Spirit! Pentecost is the story of how the Holy Spirit gave believers the courage to share the Good News. We are privileged at i AM Children’s Ministries to share God’s amazing, incredible and most wonderful news with children and their families.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day 2011 is over...

So what did you do for Mother’s Day?  Did you go see your Mom, or did your family honor you in some way? Did you receive some pretty flowers to plant in your garden or maybe a pretty card?

Whether you had a good Mother’s Day, or a not so good Mother’s Day, I would like to encourage you. Here is something you need to remember…God thinks mothers are important. He gave women the awesome gift of being able to nurture and to take care of others. Whether you gave birth to your children, or you adopted them, God thinks you are important. There are times when we “mother” people in our lives who are no longer children.  We step in and nurture that person and encourage them, and show them a mother’s love.  That’s showing a mother’s love, but it is also showing the love of Christ. God thinks that is important, too. 

Mother’s Day 2011 is over. The flowers that you received have been planted and the cards that you received have been opened and are being displayed on a shelf. Our families honor us formally one day out of the year, but God thinks what we do as mothers is important every day of the year. He loves his children and blesses us throughout the year. Turn to him in times of joy, in times of sorrow and in times of frustration. He is there and He can be trusted!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's Happening at iAM Children's Ministries

1 Peter 1:23
The living and abiding word of God

After returning from the Children's Pastor's Conference, I  was energized by so many others who share my passion for reaching children for Christ. The past two months I have been busy teaching kids about the nature and character of God. I have been teaching a chronological curriculum where God is the central figure of every lesson, and it's been great. I am happy to announce that I have a new office, which has become the incubator for the many stories that I have been writing.  I thank God for the opportunity to study and teach His Word to children! When God's Word is planted in a child's heart good things are bound to happen.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Children's Pastors Conference 2011 Orlando, Florida

What do you get when put 1700 passionate children’s ministries workers in a room with equally passionate children’s ministry leaders and innovators? Well, frankly the excitement was palpable. The 2011 Children’s Pastors Conference in Orlando, Florida a few weeks ago was abuzz with children’s pastors, children’s ministry directors and children’s workers from all over the country eager to learn and draw on the experience of presenters and speakers who have been there, done that and now are doing something totally new.

The International Network of Children’s Ministry, Children’s Pastors Conference is the premier children’s pastors’ conference in the country if not the world. It has been our privilege to have attended in years past. This year being Lorraine’s fourth, Deb’s third and my second year to attend. Every year we have come away with tangible ideas, curriculum, and products to implement but that’s not the whole story. Attending the Children’s Pastors Conference reminds us of why we love serving our Lord Jesus through children’s ministries. The fact is that children are so much more receptive to the truths of God than adults. Their hearts and minds are soft and open to hear the Gospel and respond positively. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. It is our honor and privilege that God has called Lorraine, Deb and I to come along side of parents to help train up their children and CPC has been an integral part of that process.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why we teach in Sequence

iAM teacher's set the bar high

 Sometimes in life, the best discoveries are found by accident, and so it was with us. It happened because we took the time to honestly access if something was really working. We asked ourselves the question “Are the kids in our ministry really understanding who’s who in the Bible? Do the kids really see the big picture of the Bible and why we need a Savior?” A few years ago Anna and I discovered that all to many kids were confused with regards to the Biblical order of events. The kids didn’t know if Moses and Jesus lived at the same time, or how the Old Testament connects to the things that Jesus taught in the New Testament. So after a number of months of teaching by topics, we decided to teach in the sequence of the Bible. We had to look far and wide to find curriculum that teaches that way but after awhile we found some. As I stated earlier we, by accident, discovered that as we taught kids the Bible in the proper sequence, the kids began to put the right people in the right order. God’s order of things is not random, so as we changed how we taught, God blessed our class with clearer understanding! The moral of the story; pay attention to details, and if something isn’t working well, don’t be afraid to change it.